The Venn Diagram of Design

I’ve talked about this idea of Venn diagram for A&D a few times I think, but most especially in the latest episode of the pod with Kate McQuade Nolte, Season 2 Episode 7. We talk a lot about what an Architect versus and Interior Designer can and can’t do and how so much of our work overlaps in some way or another. So I did some digging in all the crap I horde and found what I was looking for. It’s from the IIDA NPC Chapter’s Advocacy Workshop, Amplify.

Using prompts on cards, this workshop helps designers talk about what it is we do as designers to continue to dispel some of the myths about our profession. On this particular card, one side is a responsibilities comparison between architect, designer, and decorator and the other asks, “ How do we differentiate ourselves from decorators in a respectful way?” with space to write in your response. (Note, I did not fill it in, but that is because I am a perfectionist and well, if you know, you know.)

As discussed with Kate in the episode, and indicated during the workshop, it is important that we elevate our profession, without putting down others at the same time.

I don’t think this is perfect diagram and it needs an update. For instance, I would not put residential designer and decorator in the same category. I would even go so far as to say this could overlap with graphic design and fine arts, landscape, and potentially even some of the trades.

Its the long way of saying there is a lot to unpack here about where we stand within the A&D community as Designers, and the perception of what our job entails. Until I get it together to make my own, I’ll probably just keep referring to this. Although imperfect its a start.


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