a dozen graphic design tips
Still tacked to my wall is this list:
copy graphic layouts from magazines
design facing pages together (allow images to overlap pages)
carry images off the edge of the paper (cut the paper)
keep at least 50% empty space
contrast text in titles, subtitles, paragraph, etc (color, size, font, bold)
overlap images and text
text for paragraph should be 6pt -8pt (other text should be smaller than you think
leave at least 2” for binding (gutter)
use transparent boxes over images to get text to read easier
turn off hyphens in paragraph menu (show options)
divide paragraphs into columns to avoid the “tennis match”
don’t print or bind at kinko’s - they are the only place that has ever messed up a project
I can’t personally vouch for the kinko’s thing but in my personal experience it really depends on who works the printing department if your going to an office supply/ shipping place. There are specialty printers, like ARC in the Seattle area that we often use if you don’t have an office plotter.
things on my wall
And just because we talked about it, I do still have my Munsell book! And to the left is my Clarus Caricature